Thursday, September 3, 2009


We recently returned from a trip to Michigan where we cared for our granddaughter Katie. The youngest of our 5 grandchildren, Katie is 3, soon to be 4, but leaps and bounds ahead of a typical child that age. Okay, admittedly there is a bit of boasting in that last statement. All of our grandchildren are pretty amazing, no exaggeration and naturally we are quite proud to be called their grandparents.

What a fun week we had with Katie. A trip to the Chelsea County Fair was on the agenda one day. Fairs! What an extraordinary place for children; with cotton candy, midway rides and barns full of animals. In the "new born barn" there were displays of chicks only hours old, while nearby additional eggs warmed in an incubator ready to hatch at any time. Katie nervously held a chick in her hand briefly, before returning it to safety. Nearby a cardboard cow was set up where Katie tried her hand at milking. How proud she was at her accomplishment! We saw cage after cage of prize winning rabbits and chickens in one barn, while calves, sheep and pigs were on display in another. We watched as young children, certainly under the age of 10 "show" their calves in an competition arena, amazed at their skill in handling the animals. Proud parents and grandparents filled the stands video cameras at the ready. Clearly more time was spent in the farmyard than watching television or playing on computers for these children. It was so refreshing to watch these youngsters.

Katie had her face painted, ate the cotton candy she had been promised and rode every ride on the midway allowed by her size limit; at least 2 times, perhaps even 3 for some of them. She was fast asleep in the car within minutes of being buckled in. A successful day at the fair!

On our last day in Michigan, we travelled to the west coast of the state, visiting the quaint communities of Holland, Grand Haven and Muskegon. In Saugatuck we took the chain ferry over to Lake Michigan and, despite the cool and less than desirable beach weather, we delighted in watching Katie run chasing the sea gulls along the beach. As we readied to leave, Katie hollered out to the windy horizon.... goodbye beach....I love you!

We love you too Katie. Thanks for a fun week!


Anonymous said...

How sweet! Barbara K

Dorine Maclauchlan Losasso said...

Thanks Barbara!

Anonymous said...

touching story and an adorable photo

Karen Hatch said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that photograph!

Dorine Maclauchlan Losasso said...

Thanks Karen....I have always loved the images of children from behind....they are totally unaware of you taking the photo and are completely natural in their movements. Katie was running so fast, I am just glad my camera was able to capture her movements.

A Photographic Journey