Sunday, August 16, 2009

Butterfly business

I recently discovered a hidden treasure only an hour drive from my house. The Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens near Richmond Virginia presently has an exhibit entitled Butterflies Live. The day we visited was extremely hot, made even more so in the humid conservatory, but we lingered long enough to watch these beauties.
Butterflies close their wings when they land, making photographing them in full regalia difficult. I just keep clicking away and was pleased to land this photo of a Longwing.
Before leaving we became members and I plan to return often to discover the remaining beauty of the place, especially as the seasons change.


Nadia said...

Do they let you use tripods in the exhibit?

Dorine Maclauchlan Losasso said...

I guess I don't really know Nadia. I didn't have it with me. I'll be sure to check next time I am there. In fact, I'll let you know when I plan to go again in the event you want to tag along!

A Photographic Journey