Friday, August 14, 2009


Chuck and I recently took a few days to visit Gettysburg and Antietam. He being a civil war buff and me always on the look out for something new to photograph. As we drove the back roads of Pennsylvania, up and down through the bucolic farms and pasturelands, we passed many beautiful barns. It wasn't until passing this Mail Pouch sign painted on an old barn that I hollered.. STOP.
After returning home and doing some research on the Mail Pouch barns, I realized I should have also looked for the initials of the painter and the date the barn was painted (or repainted, in many cases). We'll be heading to Ohio and Michigan soon. Another opportunity to capture more nostalgia. Next time I'll be more assiduous.


Anonymous said...

great photograph, love these old barns

Nadia said...

I'm so glad that you captured one of the MP barns. Now I have to go look for them. Sounds like an adventure once we get our new hybrid vehicle!!!

Nice job!!!

A Photographic Journey