Monday, March 30, 2009


The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  

Words written by someone other than me, but brought to mind  this weekend when my good friend Karen visited.  After not seeing each other in 20 years, Karen recently "found" me again and we spent the weekend catching up.  We met in New Hampshire during a period of struggle in both of our lives and became fast friends.  Time passes, I moved away, she married and raised her children, I did the same.

 Along our way in life, if we are lucky,  we collect friends.  As treasures we hold dear, their worth gives meaning to our lives.  We may not be in constant communication with each other, but  a true friend is a friend for life.  Such is it with my friends.  I am blessed to have a few female friends that I hold dear to my heart.    Ann,  Carolyn,  Charu,  Kiran,  Leslie,  Sonia and of course Karen.  I realize that I must list them alphabetically, as that is the only designation I can possibly make in naming  them.   All are women who have shared with me the good and bad, the fun and the sadness, the travel and the quiet periods at home.  It isn't necessary for us to have the same political opinions, or worship the same god.  We share the love of life, the love of our families, the passion of a hobby whether it is cooking or travel.   In a pinch I know that I can count on their friendship as I hope they know to believe in mine.

My weekend with Karen was a healthy mix of laughter and tears.  We shared some wine and food, and a couple of "chick flicks".  We did some sightseeing and some window shopping.  As we caught up with 20 years of our lives spent apart, I found it was easy and comfortable being with her.  After all....she is my friend.

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A Photographic Journey