Monday, March 16, 2009

March birthday madness

March.  The month of change.  It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  Spring bulbs burst through warming soil.  Trees sway with the changing winds.  Beware the Ides of March, that pithy line that is forever linked to the Bard and Julius Caesar.  A forbearing of change?
For my family it is the month of birthdays.
Our first born grandchild Caitlin turned 8 on the 2nd.  My Dad was born on his mothers birthday, the 6th.  Lara's was the 8th.  Kristin, Claire and Ana had birthdays in succession, the 11th, 13, 14th.  Vincent and Emma share the 28th.  But today is a special birthday.  Chucks  65th.  Five years ago we had a surprise celebration here for his 60th.  With a lot of family in attendance we celebrated that milestone in his life.  This year the birthday cake and presents will have to wait as Chuck is on assignment in Kuwait.  Aside from a few online greetings, his day will pass like every other.  Pity.  He is so deserving of special attention on this day.  His strength of character is unrivaled.  I admire his determination and strong moral ethic.  My life is richer because of him.  I cannot begin to show my appreciation for the way he has cared for me and my family.  With his allergies, he even tolerates Taj.  My brothers have said he deserves a special place in heaven.....I think for tolerating me!
So today as I go about my daily routine, I'll think of him wistfully.  The birthday cake and presents will be delayed, but my thoughts will be of him and how much I miss him, especially today.   I know we will celebrate all the missed occasions that this separation has caused once he is safely home.  Time marches on.
Happy Birthday Chuck.  I love you.

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