Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adventures with our Grandchildren

"Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their grandchildren." ~Author Unknown ...

As we busy ourselves with plans for this years adventures with our grandchildren, I am enjoying a look through photos from last summer and the memories of  time spent with each of them,  now etched in our hearts.  We are not among the lucky who have their grandchildren living across town or an easy drive away. Three of ours are in Colorado, one is in New York and the fifth about to welcome her new baby brother in Michigan.   When we are fortunate to have time alone with the grandkids it is special, almost as special as they are.

Last June we headed to Georgia to collect Caitlin, Riley and Zachary who were soon to move to Colorado.  Our destination was the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina.  The cabin we rented near Bryson City sat high on a hill overlooking Fontana Lake.  A stunning location where coffee was quickly enjoyed on the outside deck before heading off for the day.  Although we had an early hiccup involving a wii remote and the flat screen television, the remainder of the vacation was filled with walks down the hill...(the steep walk back up involved some quick scavenger hunt games to avoid the expected grumbling),  swimming, kayaking and the nightly campfire.  A short hike on the Appalachian Trail was met with unexpected enthusiasm and turned out to be a big hit.  The kids were troopers, eager to do anything we planned, even when it involved the inevitable "lesson" on the history or nature of the places we visited.  

This year we have more ambitious plans for these three.  In just a short time we'll be collecting them from their home outside Denver, and driving off to visit Rocky Mount National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, Grand Tetons National Park and Yellowstone National a 25 foot rented motor home!!!  Although we have travelled the world,  I cannot wait to see these national wonders through their eyes.

Stay tuned.....

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A Photographic Journey