Sunday, October 25, 2009


I joined some new friends today for a photo shoot in Frederick Maryland.  After torrential rainfall yesterday, we were rewarded with a beautiful sunny day.  Three covered bridges were on our itinerary, as they were for several other photographers, bikers and bicyclists.  Just as we were finishing at the last bridge,  a buck was hit by an individual driving over the one lane, narrow bridge at a speed beyond reasonable limits.  I just shot this image just when the incident occurred.

Perhaps a bit corny, I  nonetheless offer this peaceful image as homage to the animal who lost its life due to recklessness.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful image and a touching story to go with it. I have not gotten over seeing that beautiful buck destoryed today. I have a similar image to this one-which was also the last one I took today. I think I was too sick to shoot after what we saw. Overall, it was a gorgeous day, and it was great to finally meet you! Debbi

Dorine Maclauchlan Losasso said...

Thanks Debbi. I enjoyed meeting you and spending the day shooting together. I'll look forward to the next opportunity, and to seeing your images as well.

A Photographic Journey