Saturday, October 31, 2009

Falling Leaves

Listen! the wind is rising and the air is wild with leaves   - Humbert Wolfe

The colorful leaves are falling faster than we can gather them. Each day, in an almost relentless pursuit, Chuck attends to them. Yet they seems oblivious to the constraints as, almost playfully, the wind picks them up and swirls them around. The swaying of the trees adds even more to the unruly pile. One week ago today the dogwoods that rim our back yard were adorned in their scarlet leaves.

Today those trees are barren.  The hickory and maple are in a race to finish next. The oaks, the last to get their leaves are also the last to lose them. Another week, possibly two and the ritual will end.  The once vibrant color show has turned muted.  As I watch this passage, I realize it was time to capture the last of the color. A rather gloomy day seemed appropriate  for some soft effects which I am now able to create on my new D300.

Soon the verdant holly, some bejeweled with crimson red berries will take center stage.  To everything there is a season.


Anonymous said...

wow what colors. I like it.


Anonymous said...


- Nadia

A Photographic Journey