Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumnal Equinox

At approximately 5:18 this evening (EDT) the tilt of the earth will be at an angle equal to the sun over the equator.  Thus marks the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.  For many it is a harbinger of cold, dreary weather and the inevitable approach of winter.  But not for me.  After suffering through hot humid summers in the mid Atlantic region where I live, I anxiously await this passage with a sense of rejuvenation.
The harvest is at peak, with apples, pumpkins and colourful mums in command at the local farmers stands.  Cider replaces lemonade on back porches, while squirrels busy themselves banking the deluge of falling acorns and hickory nuts.  In my yard, the wild dogwood have turned a deep russet, their final show before the winter slumber; while other leaves have begun their "best of show" competition;  the red category recruiting new members in an early lead.  The air is crisp and clean and although at times a bit brisk, my drawer of sweaters awaits.  Perhaps a cup of that cider and a crackling fire will be in order tonight as I bid farewell to summer and welcome the commencement of my favourite time of year....Autumn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That is beautiful. I, too, am an autumn person and always start my new year in September. I look forward to calling the wood man for his annual delivery and wait impatiently for the first fire.


A Photographic Journey