Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am wondering if it is possible to tire of watching the sunsets, the ethereal afterglow that is constant evolution, each moment more spectacular than the one before until the final descent below the horizon.      How do we compare these sunsets? Do they represent a romantic moment spent with a loved one, or a time of quiet reflection of the day that is drawing to an end.  Or do we observe them with neutrality or detachment, certain that the show goes whether or not we decide to take notice.
A weekend photo trip to the Chesapeake Bay has given me the opportunity to capture both the sunrise and sunset on this day.  Although it would be difficult to declare an odds-on favorite, I am thankful for the moments spent observing this daily ritual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taking notice is a key with the distractions of our lives. Nice post!

A Photographic Journey