Thursday, February 5, 2009

Losasso creek

The temperatures the past few days have fallen well below the freezing level and the snow that fell Monday night still remains on the ground today, Thursday morning. This is unusual for this part of the country especially considering we have had at least one day where the thermometer registered 41 degrees. So when a friend asked if the creek was frozen, I headed down with my new camera (a recent gift from Chuck) to take a look. There were indeed frozen parts, mostly where the sun couldn't quite hit, but the creek continued to flow underneath the transparent layer of ice. As I stepped on crunchy frozen earth, breaking frozen branches and making enough noise to scare off any snakes that might not be in their winter slumber underground, I startled a pair of brown wrens. They had perched themselves on a branch that had a full compliment of the morning sun. Bitter cold, yet a running creek and a pair of birds sunbathing. Spring can't be too far off.

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A Photographic Journey