Sunday, July 5, 2009

To see the Summers sky....Dickenson

Ahh....  summer vacation. I remember reading that people spend more time planning their summer vacation than they plan the rest of their lives. Is it possible these people summer on the east coast, in Massachusetts, on Cape Wellfleet? Calming beautiful Wellfleet, adorned with its quaint artsy character, big sandy beaches and famous oysters. Well then, I appreciate the sentiment. My family has been traveling to this location for many generations. Yet each visit brings new discoveries and treasures to behold. We just returned from a week in Wellfleet. For me, the week began with the oysters, those delicious sea beauties, setting the stage for a delightful time with family and good food. Eight of us shared my cousins house. We divvied up the meal preparation equally, resulting in some spectacular culinary treats each drawing from the bounty of the sea.
Long walks on the beach on the bay side, the tide either going out or coming in, resulting in the search for the perfect shell or the most unusual looking creature. The whale watching excursion offering only the briefest glimpse of these magnificent creatures.  The hike down the dunes on the sea side and a swim in the cold surf brought back memories of times spent there as a child and then, many years later with my father the last time we swam there, fighting the forces of the tide as we merely swam in place.   Now I watch as my grand daughter jumps and screams in the surf and brings buckets of water to aid in her construction of a sand castle.  I have come full circle.  
The night before we head for home we join others on Nauset beach enjoying the sunset and watching the seal pups play in the surf, the watchful eye of their mother on their every move closer to the shore.   Then a bit later the fireworks display, celebrating the 4th, is the perfect culmination of our time here.   We'll be back again, somehow that knowledge makes leaving a little easier.  Until then I have the most perfect shell.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too love Wellfleet....great blog

A Photographic Journey