Friday, February 20, 2009

Ainsley Bug

It is eerily quiet in my house again.  Ainsley left this morning, along with her mother, our daughter Bethany.  They came down for a brief visit and to bring Taj back home.  I love having the grandchildren visit. Their whirlwind of activity is a pleasure in this big house.   Ainsley is brimming with energy, as most children are and she certainly tests Grammy's stamina level.  Nonetheless we alway have a nice mix of outdoor activities as well as some time to just sit and read.  Now in first grade, she is proudly reading chapter books. I listen rapt with amazement as she effortlessly pronounces multi-syllable  words without even a second glance.
Although the visit was short, we had a chance to skate on the National Gallery of Art outdoor skating rink.  It was a beautiful late winter day with temps in the 50's.  Spring often comes early here and we were blessed with such a day.  As she whirled her way around the rink on countless laps, her mother and I took breaks just to keep up.  Her long legs easily gliding her and the big grin as she passed bringing us such delight.

Each time she visits she insists on hiking though Grandpa's trail.  Chuck has spent time clearing paths on our wooded acreage in hopes that the grandchildren would share his passion for trees and nature.  There is always a stop to look at the Grandchildren trees: an oak for Caitlin, a sweet gum for Ainsley, sasafras for twins Zachary and Riley and a maple for Katie.  The trees, like the children, are stretching and growing.  On a visit last year, Ainsley shared my enthusiasm for bird watching and each day we had to walk through the woods looking for birds.  As her interest grew, I bought her a book, Young Birders Guide, which she brought with her on this trip.  One afternoon, armed with the guide and a pair of binoculars,  we set off looking for birds, cautiously hiking up and through the path, which needs some maintenance due to fallen tree limbs. After one complete loop she was ready to go again, this time forging her own path.  We spotted a dozen or so turkey vultures sitting in the giant old oak tree and a flock of majestic eagles out for their playful afternoon soar. Ever interested in listening  to stories,  I told her how last year Grandpa found a snapping turtle near the creek and she was mixed with both interest and apprehension over encountering one on this walk.

I love the level of discovery that children have and how easy it is to find things that will keep their interest. The television is a non entity and I am pleased.   Walking through the woods with my grandchild, looking for signs of recent beaver activity on the creek, watching the hawks soar effortless in the azure sky, inspecting their tracks where the deer have decimated a small redbud tree, musing over the fireflies we caught (and later released) last summer .... what a perfect visit this was.  As we hugged and were saying our goodbyes this morning, Ainsley told me she loves to come to Virginia.  Seems  she shares my fervor.

Finally, since  I know Ainsley will be reading this....I love you Ainsley bug!

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A Photographic Journey